Amerikából jöttem…
Intézményünkben már hatodik éve segíti a nyelvtanulást egy, az Amerikai Egyesült Államokból érkező anyanyelvi tanár, akivel a nyelvórákon a tanulók angolul tudnak társalogni és országismeretet, kultúrtörténetet is tanulhatnak. Az idei tanévben Emese Lassu érkezett hozzánk, Szalai Szabina Sára 10.G.A osztályos tanuló készített vele egy interjút.
1. Which part of the USA are you from?
I’m from Southern California, my town is called Torrance. It’s like 10 minutes from Los Angeles airport and like 20 minutes from downtown Los Angeles.
2. Did you go to university? What did you study?
I went to California State University of Long Beach. I studied English with an emphasis in creative writing.
3. Why did you decide to come to work in Hungary?
Well, half of my family is from here. I grew up coming here all the time and when I finished university I kind of didn’t want to start a life in the United States right away. I wanted to still travel and explore so I picked somewhere that seemed like home and took up a job that I planned on having in the future which is teaching.
4. Why did you choose our school? Were there any other options?
There were bunch of other options, so many other cities all across Hungary. But I wanted to be kind of in-between Budapest and Romania, cause I have a lot of friends out there that are kinda like family to me. So I just wanted to find a place that is in-between. They offered me Kisújszállás so I choose here and just said ’why not?’
5. What are the main differences between an American and a Hungarian high school?
I would say one of the big differences is the breaks in-between classes. Back home I think we have the same time period but school runs until three o’clock instead of two. Because we have a 45 minute lunch break in-between. Other than that considering this isn’t a private school there’s no other differences.
6. What is your impression of Hungary? Do you like Kisújszállás?
I mean it’s been the same since I was little. I’ve enjoyed it here and it’s definitely different living in Kisújszállás compared to Torrance where I’m from, born and raised because it’s a smaller town. However, I enjoy the quiet life for a change.
7. Has your daily routine changed a lot since you moved here? What do you do differently? How do you spend your free time?
It definitely changed, I don’t have a car, so I can’t go around to a lot of places. Usually when I’m back home I always go to the ranch cause I ride horses, I play tennis all the time. I haven’t been able to find anyone to play tennis with here. But to spend my free time I’d say I go to school, I teach, I come home, go to the gym, make dinner and do that on repeat throughout the week. On the weekends sometimes I go places, I visit my friends in Romania and maybe I go to other cities that I haven’t been to before.
8. Have you visited famous landmarks? Have you got a favorite place?
As of this year I haven’t been to any famous landmarks. But growing up I would go to like Ópusztaszer and of course Budapest, Szentendre and all that stuff. But I haven’t been to any other since I’ve been here but I plan on it.
9. What are your plans for next year? Are you going back to the States?
Yes, at the end of my contract of my teaching term I will be going back to the States and either continue with my education and get a master degree or pursuing teaching or becoming a flight attendant I don’t know, the world is your oyster.
10. What do you miss the most from America?
My friends and family I would say is the first one. Definitely some food that I miss a lot. Back home we have a melting pot of culture so I miss my asian food so much. I would also say having my car to drive around and that’s pretty much it.